Friday, March 6, 2015

Be Fabulous for Yourself!

I woke up this morning with nothing special to do no errands, no work, and no plans but I didn't want to stay in the house. So, I made myself some breakfast and then began to get ready as though I really had somewhere to go. I just wanted to look pretty, feel good, and enjoy the beautiful day God has blessed my with. I put on my face and a cute outfit paired with some heels made for walking and took myself out for the day. Many times when we get jazzed up it is for something such as work, your spouse, friends, or just to impress others. What about doing it just for yourself? I think it is important to be FABULOUS  for  none other than yourself. Now I understand not everyone loves makeup and heels like I do, but find what makes you feel great and do it! Enjoy time with yourself and embrace being comfortable as an individual. I just thought I'd share some of my thoughts today along with my outfit of the day! :)PS: Until you know and love yourself you will find difficulty in knowing and loving another. 

Top & Jacket: Forever 21, Pants: A.N.A, Shoes & Purse: Target